Thursday, 30 April 2015

Siberian Tigers (Panthera tigris altaica)

Of all the tigers the Siberian is the largest and renowned for its strength and power. Siberian tigers  are also known as Amur tigers and they live mostly in remote forested parts of eastern Russia and across the border in China. 

Amur tiger - Dave Pape - Public Domain

Their environment is one of the coldest and harshest in the world, but it does offer some advantages for them. There are far fewer humans encroaching on their habitat and the vast forests give them more space to roam free. During the 1940s hunting had taken a huge toll and the Siberian tiger was faced with extinction with only 40 individuals left in the wild. It was saved when Russia became the first country in the world to give the tiger protection. It also greatly benefited from the Cold War, which largely closed its remote habitat to people.  Read more

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