Thursday, 30 April 2015

Clever tactics of carnivorous Pitcher plants to catch prey

Plants have no brains but for an organism that lacks such a commodity some of them have evolved some remarkable ways to ensure their own survival. For example the carnivorous Raffles' Pitcher plant, (Nepenthes rafflesiana), of Borneo, named after Stamford Raffles, has been discovered employing a clever tactic to trap the ants and insects that it feeds upon.

Nepenthes rafflesiana - By Robert Jong - Public Domain

There are several species of carnivorous pitcher plants that have evolved specialized leaves that they use to trap their prey. These leaves are known as pitfall traps. These traps are cup-like with steep sloping sides and contain a liquid that attracts flies, ants and other insects. They use bright colors, smells, and nectar to entice the victim into a deadly trap.  Read more

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