Thursday, 30 April 2015

The Red-throated diver (Gavia stellata)

The Red-throated diver, also known as the Red-throated loon in North America, is located in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. It is an aquatic, migratory bird that has the widest range of the diver family.  Of all the diver species the Red-throated diver is the lightest and smallest. It has the typical diver characteristics of a short neck and long body and legs that are set back on the body.

Red-throated Diver and chick - David KarnĂ¥ / Wikimedia Commons - CC BY 3.0

 Males and females look similar though males are usually a little larger and heavier than females. This diver during breeding has a gray head and red throat patch and the gray neck has thin black and white bars along the back.  It's under parts are white and its back and wings are black. The beak is narrow and straight.  Read more

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