Thursday, 30 April 2015

The Raven (Corvus corax)

In North America, the raven (Corvus corax) is the largest passerine, or perching bird, to be found. Ravens are completely black in colour, including legs, eyes and wings. They have a wingspan of up to 4 feet and around 2 feet long from their beak to tip of their tail. Weighing around 3 pounds, they are the largest members of the crow family.
A Raven - National Park Service - Public Domain

Ravens are skilful fliers

Ravens are powerful and skilful fliers and know how to use the wind to soar high in the air.  They are capable of performing similar aerobatic displays as birds of prey. This behavior is seen at its most spectacular with the mating rituals of the breeding season when they execute elaborate aerial rolls, dives and sky dances in courtship. It is widely thought that ravens take a mate for life.  Read more

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