Friday, 1 May 2015

The American Mountain Lion (Felis concolor)

The American mountain lion is a power and adaptable predator whose range covers much of the Americas.   It is a member of the Felidae family and is native to North and South America. It is also known by the names of cougar, puma, panther, catamount and other names, depending on the country and region it is found
Mountain lion - Public  Domain

A large and solitary cat

Indeed, in the Western Hemisphere this big cat has a far greater range than any other wild land animal ranging from the Yukon, in Canada, down to the southern Andes of South America. A large cat and solitary by nature, after the Jaguar, it is the second heaviest cat in the Americas and the joint fourth in the world with the leopard, following the tiger, lion and jaguar, though it is nearer in relationship to the smaller big cats.  Read more

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