Friday, 1 May 2015

The African Crested Porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis)

The African crested porcupine is usually found in rocky, hill country but they are very adaptable animals who make their home in most types of environment, though there are a few exceptions. Although they have been found at altitudes of 11,480 feet on Mount Kilimanjaro, they are not found in dry, empty deserts or damp forests.

African crested Porcupine - Drew Avery - CC BY 2.0
The largest rodent in Africa

This porcupine is the heaviest and largest rodent found in Africa. They have roundish heads, small eyes and ears and a blunt, stubby muzzle. Their legs are short and strong and there are five toes on each foot with powerful claws.  Read more

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